Our Deck Expert Answers Your Decking FAQs

  • TimeUnder 3 minutes

Want to get your decking project done more efficiently? Ask one of our experts!

Our team of experts have years of industry experience and talk to dozens of contractors daily. We can help you design your dream deck. Our experts can help you plan your project so that you can finish it on time and on budget. We can even give you tips on how to maintain your deck to maximize longevity.

Chinook wants to help you execute your project like a pro, so we’re sharing frequently asked questions and answers about decking straight from David, one of our in-store specialists with over nine years of experience specializing in decks. You have asked us in-store, and now, we’re sharing his insights online.

What is composite decking?

Composite decking refers to deck boards that are primarily made up of recycled materials. Unlike traditional wood deck boards, composite boards feature an outer layer of protection thanks to innovative technologies. Composite deck boards also come in a variety of nature-inspired hues with realistic patterns to give you that natural wood grain look.

What’s more expensive; a composite deck or a wood deck?

A composite deck costs more upfront but, in the end, the benefits of a composite deck outweigh the cheaper cost of a traditional wood deck. Repairs and maintenance of a wood deck costs more in the long run.

How do I get started?

Contact us with your ideas. We have a team of experts ready to help design your deck and create your materials list. We can even meet with you at your home to get your project started.

TIP: Talk to one of Chinook Lumber’s deck design specialists for a detailed walk-through of your project and options for your new or newly renovated deck.

How do I budget for my dream deck?

Here are some rules of thumb:

  • The structure usually costs half of what the decking costs.
  • The railing costs can vary widely depending on the type, but will generally average approx. $60/LF
  • The labor costs are equal to material costs.

How do I find a contractor to bring my deck to life?

We can help you with that too. We work with quality contractors every day who have years of experience building beautiful decks. Let us connect you with one of them.

Have more questions or need specific advice?

Call or visit us in-store to talk to one of our decking experts. 
Or email our department can be an option as well at Decks@ChinookLumber.com